The model apartment - well what can I say it's no four seasons. The kitchen is covered with dirty dishes and food scraps and the fridge is inhabiting some not so identifiable produce. Who knew we actually had a cleaning lady. I go to use the toilet but it's blocked and there's no toilet paper, looks like I'll be holding on.. I then go check out where I'll be sleeping. I'm sharing a room with a nice Ukrainian girl named Marina who arrived a week prior. As I have to be up at 5am for a show I decide to hit the hay. I assess my bed situation, the mattress is more spring than anything and the blankets are stained and itchy. I quietly thank the lord I brought my own pillow and make do with what I have for the night. I didn't get all that much sleep, between the foreign screeches of drunken girls in the apartment and being bitten alive by mosquitos I woke every hour hoping it was time to get up.
The next day me and about 20 other girls drove to Xicheng Lu which is 2 hours from the city. The job consisted of us parading on stage whilst some Chinese popstar performed then we would stand next to a Rolls Royce each while the locals took photos of us. Its crazy how fascinated they are of Caucasians, both men and women falling over each other to get a photo of the tall fair girls.
It's now Monday and we've just arrived home after attending a string of castings, the apartment is starting to feel more homely after I sorted my bed with a new sheet and blanket and am now more comfortable with the other girls.
As an outsider looking in, one would come to the assumption that a models life is cruisey and full of luxury. All we have to do is stand there and look pretty, right? Well that couldn't be further from the truth. Don't get me wrong there are definitely the luxurious moments when it comes to being a model but it's not an easy road to success.
Arriving in Shanghai on Saturday I came to the realization that this is no holiday, the next 3 months are going to be tough but I'm here to work and hopefully make some money so whatever this industry throws at me, I'm ready.
is that the chinese sign for unisex?